Released as a bonus for pack-in for the limited edition of Halo 5: Guardians and later on disc and streaming services, Halo: The Fall of Reach is a three act animated movie based on Eric Nylund’s novel of the same name. Personally, having not followed the release of Halo 5, I had no idea this was even a thing until I started my research for Halo Fest 2020, but it seemed significant enough for me to cover here, and, surprisingly, I’m actually glad I did.

“John and his friends having some teenage fun.”
Halo: The Fall of Reach is reasonably faithful to the book its based on while also taking elements from the 2012 Marvel Comics adaptation with a handful of other changes along the way. Oddly, this new adaptation only covers the first half or so of the book, leaving out the titular, you know, falling of Reach part. Actually, it seems pretty clear to me that a lot of these changes were intended to focus more on the members of Blue Team as featured in Halo 5 itself, allowing the movie to serve as their introduction and contextualizing their relationship with Master Chief for players who hadn’t read the novels. For me, it also helps explain why so many fans of the novel were disappointed with the otherwise excellent Halo: Reach.
Since we’re already on the subject, and this is backstory told out of chronological order anyway, let’s get into the plot synopsis. While this is fairly vague, it absolutely contains spoilers. Skip the next paragraph if you want to avoid that sort of thing.
The Story: Dr. Catherine Halsey is searching colonies for child candidates for the SPARTAN-II program, a secret initiative to create super soldiers that could turn the tide against an ongoing insurrectionist movement. On Eridanus II she meets a child named John and quickly recognizes his potential. ONI agents abduct John and 74 other children, replacing them with barely functional “flash clones” to cover their kidnappings. At a UNSC academy on the colony planet Reach, the children are run through exhaustive training covering military theory, tactics, and history, along with physical and team building exercises. John, designated John-117, stands out from his peers and is soon promoted to squad leader. Years later, the SPARTAN-II cadets undergo a series of physical augmentations and chemical treatments to improve their senses, reflexes, musculature, and physical growth. A staggering 36% of the cadets do not survive the process. Later, John and four of his classmates are sent on a clandestine mission to kidnap an insurrectionist leader, with their success serving to help justify the existence of the program. Not long after, first contact is made with a hostile alien force known as the Covenant who seem intent on wiping out humanity. Dr. Halsey and the Spartans are transported to Chi Ceti IV aboard the UNSC Commonwealth when the ship is intercepted by a Covenant vessel. With the Commonwealth barely fending it off, the Spartans make it to the surface where the new Mjolnir power armor is tested on them for the first time. A success, the Spartans are assigned their armor and begin training with it. With the Covenant ship returning to face the Commonwealth a second time, John-117 concocts a plan to get behind the ship’s shields, board it, and detonate a nuclear warhead from within. The team fights its way inside and successfully plants the warhead, though one of its members, Sam-034, sustains heavy damage to his armor and volunteers to stay behind to buy his teammates time to exfiltrate. Flashing forward a number of years, the members of John’s original fireteam meet at the site of the academy on Reach, now in ruins after the planet was “glassed” by the Covenant, in memorial to their fallen teammate.

“Dr. Halsey reaping what she’s sown.”
Having never read the novel, I knew a lot of the generalities of what was covered here but not many of the details. Actually seeing the child abductions, training and augmentation deaths, and even the gruesome way that Mjolnir armor testing was depicted was much more effective than I would have expected. It was also interesting to see the (somewhat) original way Dr. Halsey was depicted versus how she was presented in Halo: Reach, Halo 4, and Halo 5: Guardians. You also have the remember that the original novel was very much written to be the backstory for Halo: Combat Evolved, so it’s chock-full of a lot of the context that is, well, frankly just missing entirely from the game: who Master Chief is and why he’s so exceptional, both as an individual, and as a Spartan, and where humanity is at this point in its war with the Covenant, for instance. As a long time Halo fan, it’s pretty cool to go back and geek out over this stuff all these years later.
As for this particular production, it’s… eh, decent. Visually, I think I could describe it best as looking a lot like a motion comic that has been upgraded to have an actual animation budget. This isn’t too surprising given that the studio who made it, Sequence, also helped make most of the motion comic-like cutscenes in other Halo games, like those from the terminals in Halo: CE Anniversary and Halo 4, as well as the cutscenes in the Spartan Assault and Spartan Strike games. This doesn’t sound like the strongest praise, and it definitely isn’t, but it’s better than it sounds and I think it works well enough for me. On the audio front, Steve Downs plays older Master Chief and Jen Taylor plays Dr. Halsey, giving the whole thing a much needed direct connection to the games. We also have Tom Salta returning from his work on Spartan Assault and Spartan Strike to compose the soundtrack. Not bad all around.

“SCPO. Mendez sits the kids down for story time.”
As a whole, I was surprised with just how much I enjoyed Halo: The Fall of Reach and turned around and bought a copy of the audiobook almost immediately after finishing it. While I’m sure I’ll end up enjoying the book much more, I’m going to have to rank this one up with Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn as an actual half-way decent attempt at a Halo movie. Interestingly, a lot of Halo fans seem to think this is the story to make a big budget adaption of, so even if the new Halo series seems to have veered off in an entirely different direction, it seems possible we may return to the Fall of Reach again at some point in the future.
Next up, as we finally near the end of this series, we return to the UNSC Spirit of Fire with Halo Wars 2. I’m looking forward to it!