Tag Archives: Blog


Welcome one and all to 2025! I wanted to give a state of the blog (AKA, a state of me) kind of update, as it’s been a while and I’ve had a lot on my mind regarding my gaming and related blog output lately.

First of all, looking back at my meager updates this year, it’s clear that I need to post more. A lot more. While I doubt I’ll ever return to my original plan of multiple updates a week talking in more granular detail about what I’m playing, I’d at least like to post a lot more. Embarrassingly, I’ve actually played several titles which haven’t made it to the blog quite yet. Even my game of year, Helldivers 2, hasn’t shown up yet. Most of those games are longer single players games that I haven’t quite finished yet, though. So, while not really a new one, my first goal is to finish those games and get some thoughts of them posted here. That’ll be my priority in the next couple of months.

Of course, posting a lot more also means playing a lot more. Now, in my defense, of the two big updates I posted in 2024, each covers multiple lengthy games – many of these games I played for tens of hours each, and altogether, I’d guess would be close to 1000 hours. That said, I’m still not satisfied with the amount of games I’ve played. In fact, my backlog has actually grown so large that I had to stop and document it properly, with a massive spreadsheet detailing individual games and priorities, as well as entire series that I want to play through and write about. Seeing it laid out in such a black and white way only reinforces that I need to make more of an effort to do more gaming. So, my second, to play more games in general.

Expanding My Horizons
“Expanding My Horizons”

Somewhat coincidentally, I have more motivation to play more. First, I’ve just built myself a new PC, and while I’ve not even migrated to it full time yet, it’s already breathed some life into some of my old favorites and had me planning to make PC gaming more of a priority this year. I’ll likely post a much more detailed article about this build soon – not because there’s anything all that exceptional about it, but I know from past conversations with friends and coworkers, hearing thoughts about how some part decisions, etc. were made can be helpful to others working on new builds. Selfishly, it can also be kind of useful to have my thoughts on my build detailed for future reference.

This might also be my year of the PlayStation. In addition to picking up a PS3 a couple of years ago to assist with replaying the Metal Gear series and some other exclusive titles I missed, as well as diving into PSP emulation with my G Cloud, I just picked up a PlayStation 5. Now, tempting exclusives aside, I had very little interest in a PlayStation 5, but when I saw the 30th Anniversary edition, I kind of fell in love. Unfortunately after months of monitoring retailer sites and eBay, I decided to take the L. You win, scalpers! Still, I’d already sold myself on the idea of getting a PS5, and at around the same time one of my friends ended up picking up a new PlayStation 5 Pro and offered me his old launch PS5. It took a while to get there, but finally resigned to never getting an Anniversary edition, I ended up getting a great deal on his PS5, monstrosity that it is. It should be noted that a lot of PlayStation 5 exclusives have now found their way to PC, but there are still some that haven’t, and a ton of PS4 exclusives (including remasters of older games) that I’d really love to play that haven’t either.

I feel like, between my PC, my Xboxes, and PS3 and PS5, and my G Cloud, there’s not a whole lot I’ll have to skip when attempting to cover game series in the coming years. Speaking of which, I’ve been delaying it for too long, but I’ll be diving into my Metal Gear / Metal Gear Solid retrospective very soon. While I hope to mix it up a bit by playing other games in between Metal Gear titles to avoid burnout, the Metal Gear games will be my next highest priority. I’m really looking forward to diving into the series.

That’s it for now. Happy New Year!

Twenty Twenty

I can’t believe I haven’t posted anything since December. Extra unbelievable considering I’ve had my next gaming log written for months now. Honestly, there are several overlapping reasons for why I’ve been slacking so much more than usual.

First and foremost, I started a second blog last summer that is geared specifically towards retro computing, particularly towards BBSing, which is something I’ve been heavily involved with since I was a teenager and still love today. This new blog aims, in part, to document my experiences related to some very esoteric subjects, such as programs I’ve written and projects I’ve been involved with, and that honestly feels like a more worthy use of my time. It doesn’t help that most of the regular readers of this blog (largely friends) have dropped off over time, while my new blog is slowly growing. This all led me to question whether I’d even want to keep going over here. I ultimately concluded that I still love putting together the quick “gaming logs” that dominate this blog, so I’ve decided to continue on with those and the occasional article (of which I’ve got quite a few on the back burner.)

That said, my new blog also covers more general retro computing subjects, and I’ve been tossing around the idea of moving my retro gaming reviews over there to take advantage of that growing niche audience. To complicate that, I’ve long wanted to post more of them, more frequently, but that would have to involve some kind of a major format change. Right now, they take way too much time to research, play through, and write up. I’m still trying to decide exactly what that new format might look like, but likely it’ll take a less structured approach, more closely resembling my gaming logs. Regardless of being my favorite part of this blog, retro reviews will always be massive time sinks for me, and with the time I’m spending gaming at a low lately, I can at least try to spend less time writing them.

I’ll post my long overdue next gaming log very soon. Thank you to all of those regular readers who are still dropping by, and to those of you who stumble upon this blog randomly and take the time to read some of my ramblings. ❤