Category Archives: Rambling

Destruction Classes

I originally wrote but never posted my views on fighting against the different Destruction classes as a White Lion while I was still in tier 1. I’ve come back and revisited these notes with updates taking into account where I am now, at the end of tier 3. I’m throwing a few basically unrelated lake RvR screenshots into the mix as well. Oh, here’s one now!

“Hey, I think I can see my house from up here!”

Witch Elves – Tier 1: More than anyone else Witch Elves seem to rush out ahead of the pack to jump on targets even if an entire order line is headed towards them. Stupid players? Maybe, but from a roleplay perspective I suppose it fits well with their blood thirsty nature. I don’t usually have much problem killing them, even in a one on one situation, although they are surprisingly tough and do take a lot longer to kill than you’d expect from someone running around practically nude. Still, I enjoy putting the overzealous ones in their place. Tier 3 Update: My opinion on Witch Elves hasn’t changed a whole lot. They seem to be a little less reckless and many will rely on their stealth ability more to get behind our lines and go after our healers more effectively. While I still have no problem killing them, generally, I respect their damage output more than I did in tier 1. They are definitely capable single target damage dealers and dueling one can quickly go the wrong way for me.

Disciples of Khaine – Tier 1: What the hell? I learned quickly not to consider DoKs a target of opportunity as they can really take a beating and often outlast me in one on one combat. This screwed with me pretty good at first as they look pretty squishy and, well, they’re healers right? Wrong! DoK’s are Destruction’s Warrior Priests – they can take and deal a respectable amount of damage AND heal… Ugh! Tier 3 Update: Still a massive pain in the ass for me. Since it is generally agreed upon that taking out enemy healers first is a good strategy for winning fights, and there’s almost no debate that a good enemy healer can change the tide of an entire skirmish, I do end up going for DoKs pretty frequently. In a good, chaotic battle I have little trouble burst damaging them to death before they get off more than a single heal but in one versus one situations they still often tear me up. I honestly feel like they’re just a little out of balance. Last night, for instance, my 31 White Lion was absolutely destroying his opponents. I felt unstoppable… Literally ending scenarios with double the damage of the next guy in the list and, by the way, setting a new personal best record. During the end of one of these fights I encountered a lone Disciple of Khaine and after ignoring him initially yet having him give chase decided to attempt to teach him a lesson. With the scenario clock ticking down I very nearly died to him solo – saved by the bell with just a sliver of life left. Just before the screen faded, however, I noticed that he was only rank 18. Seriously?

Sorceress – Tier 1: One of my favroite targets. They die pretty damn quickly and I’m not sure I’ve ever been killed by one unless it was a total gankage situation. Tier 3 Update: Still pretty easy to kill although I definitely noticed a sharp rise in their lethality in tier 3 scenarios. Particularly their annoying and deadly Pit of Shades AoE spell which seems to devastate some of the more crowded areas such as the walkways in the Doomfist Crater scenario. Obviously RDPS classes excel more at some situations than others and there are definitely times when I’ll go out of my way to put these foes down quickly.

Black Orc – Tier 1: Argh… Black Orcs are some tough mofos. I usually avoid them if possible, especially one on one. A Black Orc who is at the top level range of their tier, well geared, and played well does service to the term “tank”. You and your buddies can literally beat on one of these fools for minutes without seeming to make much progress. Tier 3 Update: Not much as changed here. They still don’t do enough damage to feel like a threat to me but they can be so insanely difficult to kill that I often avoid trying to fight one unless there’s no better targets. If one of these guys has a healer than I won’t even so much as dent him without turning my attention to his support first. I haven’t encountered a large amount high level, well geared Black Orcs in tier 3 but I expect they’ll be an even bigger headache at rank 40.

They'll never find my massive siege weapon hidden in this bush.
“They’ll never find my massive siege weapon hidden in this bush.”

Squig Herder – Tier 1: Hmm! One of my Destruction counterparts has sadly never been a big concern to me which really makes me wonder how Destruction players view White Lions. Their bows don’t seem to do much and neither do their Squigs. They can be pretty annoying, as can White Lions, but don’t seem to be nearly as lethal. They die quite quickly. Definitely seem to be a support class and seeing 3 of them up on a wall raining arrows on individuals below made me think that they are probably quite effective at that role. Tier 3 Update: I’ve noticed them putting out a little more damage than they had at lower levels but it is still hard to consider them a threat. When some of the RDPS classes get some damage love in patch 1.05 the story could very well be quite different, however. As far as killing them goes they’re generally an even easier target than their Shaman brethren.

Shaman – Tier 1: Shamans seem about the same as Squig Herders to me. Their attacks can be annoying but the main thing I worry about when facing a Shaman is who they might be healing. Like the Squid Herder they die quickly. Tier 3 Update: Shaman definitely seem to benefit from more survivability as they rank up. Given their height and their tendency to stay back from groups they can be hard to focus on in the first place and when you do finally go after one they are often quite tricksy with their damage shields, roots and the like. Sometimes I’ll have trouble cutting through one’s shields or landing that last, lethal blow before they heal themselves up a bit, but generally I still don’t consider them too difficult of an opponent. Their healing abilities do definitely get my attention, however.

Chosen – Tier 1: Not nearly as impressive as the Black Orc. I usually avoid them though when I do face them I fare much better. Good defense, decent damage, but fairly bland overall. They sure look cool though. πŸ˜‰ Tier 3 Update: Nothing new to report here, sadly enough. I was kind of expecting Chosen to come into their own but as opponents they still feel like weaker, easier to kill Black Orcs to me.

Another nice view from the battlements.
“Another nice view from the battlements.”

Marauder – Tier 1: My other Destruction counterpart. I love killing these dorks. Seriously, when I see a big mob and I’m looking for a target of opportunity I usually go after a Marauder if there’s no one half dead hanging around. Marauders seem, err… Over confident in their abilities. They’re always running around aggressively but I usually have absolutely no trouble taking them down. I will say that I once fought one particular one in a scenario who seemed to have good gear, was at the top rank range in his tier, and seemed to be played pretty well, who was very tough and quite deadly, but that was definitely the exception. I do, however, wonder if I’ll be seeing more Marauders like him as I level up. Tier 3 Update: Not much has changed on the Marauder front other than I see a lot more of them going for AoE damage than I used to. If a Marauder catches me in a bad spot (low health, etc.) or has back up he can usually kill me before I can finish him off but the rest of the time I usually have the upper hand. I’ve run into more of these higher level Marauders packing good gear and apparently being played well as of late though and they seem as if they might indeed out damage me. Still, this game isn’t about dueling and over all, in the situations I run into them the most in, I feel that I am superior.

Magus – Tier 1: It seems like I’ve rarely fought Maguses but when I have they usually run for their lives as soon as I engage them. No real problem taking them out and their spells seem more annoying than anything. Tier 3 Update: Again, not much has changed. They don’t seem like they pack a ton of damage or maybe my class just isn’t a favored target. They’re easy enough to kill. Like the Squig Herder they should be getting some damage buffs in the next patch which may entirely change my view of them.

Zealot – Tier 1: I don’t think I’ve seen very many Zealots at all and those I did weren’t much of a concern. They died quickly and didn’t do much note worthy for the short period of time that they were alive. Tier 3 Update: I still don’t see a ton of Zealots running around and when I do as healers they’re often one of my first targets. They don’t seem to be able to defend themselves as well as Shamans – maybe they do more damage to me while I’m chasing one down (?) but I bring them down quicker and every time and that is usually all that matters.

Warhammer Add-ons

Some of my guildmates and I were discussing add-ons on our Ventrillo server the other night and I figured I might post what I use for those that were curious:

NRarity – Puts a small frame around all the items in your backpack, bank, character screen, etc. that is the same color as the item’s rarity. Makes evaluating what you have much quicker though honestly it is more for eye candy than utility.

SpamMeNot – I’m sure everyone is familiar with this so far. Excellent add-on that looks for and automatically blocks spam tells. You can also set it to automatically report spammers as well though if you’re paranoid about Sabas type situations you might want to turn that feature off!tongue It has a log window where you can see how many messages it has blocked and what they were, so overall it is pretty safe to use. On the other hand Mythic has pretty much stamped out spammers, at least on my server, so I don’t know when the last time this thing served its purpose for any of my characters even was.

BuffThrottle – This one is (apparently) important. Some enterprising people noted that the statuses of the various buffs and debuffs that appear on your party and warband screens are updated constantly which causes a lot of in game lag. This add-on simply turns down how often this happens to a much more reasonable rate (which is adjustable.) Almost everyone will notice a performance increase, especially in keep sieges, just by installing this thing and using its default settings. This performance issue is likely to get fixed if it hasn’t been already though.

ActionBarColor – A simple add-on that shades your action bar icons (rather than just the key text) completely red when not available ala WoW. Kind of a personal preference thing but I vastly prefer it in the heat of battle.

AutoJoinChannel – Another simple one. It lets you create and maintain a list of chat channels that are automatically joined every time you log in. This is particularly useful for me as on my server the entire order side maintains a channel in which we update each other on lake RvR happenings. This channel is immensely useful in quickly figuring out where the action is going on across the world and sometimes even strategizing zone control.

PetAssist – If you’re a White Lion, Engineer, Magus, or Squid Herder I’d highly recommend it. It simply tells your pet to attack the current target you’re attacking. With my White Lion I typically use this in combination with “passive” mode to behave more like an enhanced “defensive” mode in which my White Lion will never change targets for little obvious reason and go running off, potentially aggroing others mobs, and unlike “passive” mode by itself (which I usually use in PvP) you won’t have to micromanage every single one of your pet’s targets (and thus accidentally end up not using your pet half the time like I often found myself doing before installing this.) Switching of targets feels quicker and more responsive in general. With my Engineer I can leave my turret on “passive” for careful use, “defensive” if I want it to defend itself (I’m AFK, etc.) or “offensive” if I want it to attack my target when I’m fighting but go crazy the rest of the time which I often do in scenarios. I’m sure using this add-on has increased my DPS at least a little but it doesn’t feel like cheating or exploiting, rather it just makes pet control feels more solid and less quirky overall. There are some other pet related add-ons (LoyalPet) that do MUCH, MUCH more than this and almost seem a little questionable if you are into that sort of thing.

Honorable mentions! I’ve not used any of these myself but I know they’re popular. Squared puts your party/warband status into a small, easy to read at a glance matrix that is intended to make a healer’s life easier. Warhammer Scrolling Combat Text is an overhaul of the game’s built in overhead combat text that adds much, much more information to the mix. It is fully and easily customizable too. For Swordmasters and Black Orks PlanB automatically changes your action bar depending on your Balance/Plan.

Oh, and here’s some more progress screenshots for the Game Logs section:

Riding into a devastated Saphery.
“Riding into a devastated Saphery.”

Jeez, these Black Friday sales are getting out of hand...
“Jeez, these Black Friday sales are getting out of hand…”


The chaos of battle!
“The chaos of battle!”

A sea of red names.
“A sea of red names.”

New Release Wish List

There has been an absolute flood of new games that have either came out recently or are coming out very soon that interest me. Unfortunately I’m both wrapped up in my Warhammer Online addiction and way too broke to actually buy any of them at the moment, currently wondering how I’m even going to be able to afford Christmas presents this year. I’ve got plenty of games to tide me over, particularly a few old Xbox 360 games, some ongoing PC infatuations of mine, and a ton of retro PC games I’m pining to play again and (hopefully) review here, but the collector in me really wants to rush out and get them as soon as possible. Must… resist.

Mercenaries 2 was released and, while apparently very buggy, it has gotten a lot of great praise on various forums and podcasts I follow. I was a big fan of the first game, being one of my favorite games of the last console generation. It is sad that this one isn’t apparently as polished as the first one but on the other hand it does sound just as fun.

Dead Space could have easily flown under my radar. EA trying to make a new franchise based on survival horror… in space? with shooting? Great, a generic Doom 3 cranked out by some crappy studio? Apparently not. Dead Space loots excellent and has been getting great reviews all around. Must acquire!

Stalker: Clear Sky. I still haven’t played the original but it is only a matter of time. At this point though, I know it is a game that I am absolutely going to love, period, so I might as well keep my eye on this light weight sequel. Initial reports mention tons of bugs and other issues, as with the first game, yet for the most part fans of the original like Clear Sky.

Gears of War 2 is coming soon. I don’t expect that it’ll fail to live up to the hype. The first one had plenty of hype and, though I bought it quickly, it took quite a while to rise up to the surface of my backlog. By the time I finally did get around to playing it I was pleasantly surprised by the unique style and high production values.

I still really want to play The Witcher and the new Enhanced Edition is very inviting. I really need to snag an import copy of this while I still can.

What can I say about Spore? I’ve been anticipating it forever now and, now that it is out to mixed reviews, I still can’t wait to get it and fool around with the various creators and modes. I know in many respects it didn’t live up to the hype but in many others it seems to have delivered. The only question I have at this point though is whether or not I should just hold off for five or so years and buy the ultra deluxe edition that includes the 25 post release expansion and parts packs for one low cost. πŸ™‚

Saints Row 2: Saints Row was a game that I had my eye on for a long time before I ever got an Xbox 360 but eventually decided to hold off for the release of Grand Theft Auto 4. Now that GTA 4 has come and gone Saints Row 2 has been released and the reviews have been largely positive. Now, because of much of what I’ve heard and seen, both games have ended up on my wish list.

Oh my goodness how I cannot wait to play Fable 2. The first Fable was, again, one of my favorite Xbox games. It didn’t quite deliver on all its hype but, taken on its own merits, was a really fun, really polished action adventure RPG with lots of neat little touches that ended way, way too quickly. I never did go back and play the Lost Chapters version but from what I hear Fable 2 is more of the same, and better to boot. The buzz around this one is intoxicating.

I never played Far Cry 2‘s predecessor, somehow, despite coming out during a heavy period of PC gaming in my life and sounding totally up my alley. I had considered getting it on many occasions but somehow let it slip by. Far Cry 2 sounds quite different and totally excellent. Some have described it as Far Cry meets Stalker and others have compared it to more GTA inspired sandbox games such as Mercenaries. In any case it looks excellent and I’ve got my eye on a copy of the PC version of this one.

I still can’t wait to get my ass beaten viciously by Ninja Gaiden 2. Again, the first one was one of my favorite last gen console games. There’s a lot of those on this list it seems. πŸ™‚

Probably most importantly is Fallout 3. I loved the original two Fallout games, particularly the first one, and I’ve also really dug Bethesda’s Elder Scrolls games. This marriage of the two seems like a no brainer and I’m having a hard time resisting going out and picking this one up right now. Reviews and discussion on the forums look very promising but I have a feeling that I won’t really know what to expect from this game until I’m playing it myself.

I must also give shoutouts to Mirrors Edge and Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia. Despite not having a PS3 I’m also going to mention Resistance 2 and Little Big Planet while I’m at it.

Argh, so little money, so little time, so many great games!