Category Archives: Rambling

AoC and more MMO fun

Ahh, another long, boring rambling post. I’ll definitely try to post some more interesting content and some more pretty pictures soon.

It may finally be time for me to move on from Age of Conan…

Being a fan of the Conan books, movies, comics, etc, I had been keeping an eye on it for a long time though I wasn’t completely enthralled until just a few months before release, after the initial, widely positive reviews of the PVP weekend event started pouring in. I ended up getting into open beta, preordering the collectors edition, and building a new PC in part in anticipation for the game, all in short order. I sought out and joined a PVP guild, who then settled on a server, and the next thing you know many of us were in the game together via the early access promotion days before launch. Things went relatively well at first – the only major hurdle thrown our way being the very, very late announcement that the server we had selected would be subjected to a special, more or less experimental even, set of PVP rules. There was a little bit of discussion but ultimately we decided to stick try it out and see how it went.

Despite all of the complaints waged against it, and the ones I myself are about to note, the game itself was more or less excellent at launch. The first 20 levels, heck, the first 30 or so, were pretty polished. The graphics were excellent, a vast majority of the zones, items, quests, and monsters seemed fine. Everything seemed fine. Sure, there certainly were complaints – client performance was apparently nonexistent for those on the lower end of the system requirements, there were tons of loading screens between areas with more sub-zoning and instancing than typical in an MMO, there were plenty of odd graphical bugs to go around, particularly concerning model clipping, but for the most part the pre-launch doom-sayers had been silenced.

But… That only lasted a few weeks.

It started to become apparent pretty quickly that there was more wrong with the game than as it first appeared. Even disregarding the silly ones (droves of WoW players who have never played any other MMOs wondering why this and that weren’t as they are in WoW, for instance) complaints were numerous and people started leaving in mass. Many of these complaints were quite valid, though I struggle to remember them all now, having not played the game in some time and many of them having been tweaked and fixed since then. Still, some that top my own list:

  • The multiple zones and instances annoy me, not because of the numerous load screens, but instead because of the loss of the feeling of persistence in the world. This is especially true when concerning guild cities. Instead of having guild claimed land scattered across the world, we have 3 instances, each one containing ONLY two cities, mirrored a hundred times. Pretty damn lame! In my opinion instanced housing really misses some of the best parts of the concept of MMO housing and AoC’s is about the worst example I’ve seen. It’d be much more interesting to have to claim a part of a leveling zone or even a much more developed housing zone where people might wander by and your guild’s presence would become an actual part of the world then it is to have the same exact boring plot of land as most other guilds which other players will only visit if they specifically want to. Total failure here.
  • Speaking of guild cities they’re totally sweet… and totally lame. You’re pretty much stuck with one, very limited template for how you want your city to be laid out. This isn’t Shadowbane’s city construction, that’s for sure. Also, at least last time I played around in one, buildings were quite limited in functionality – that is, they were hard to use as structures because they showed up as selectable targets rather than normal scenery, never mind numerous clipping problems and poor overall design. Hopefully these latter issues have been improved by now though.
  • Related to guild cities are the PVP battle keeps which are, as I understand it, surprisingly underwhelming. They’re basically just secondary, conquerable guild cities at the moment, and the whole system is amazingly poorly designed and even more horridly implemented. Very, very buggy and mass PVP is also apparently extremely laggy as well. This has been and will continue to be patched up, I’m sure. Still, this is one of those features that beta testers were sure wouldn’t be in the release game but Funcom insisted it would be… and they were right! But you don’t get too many more bonus points for including a broken, buggy system that is basically unusable than you do by simply leaving it out on my scorecard. Sorry.
  • A lot of people complain about the class balance in AoC. One of the most common complaints, however, tends to come from those coming from other MMOs who expect the stereotypical role based classes – you know: tank, close combat damage, long range damage, healer, buffer, and all that boring crap. I don’t have a problem with AoC’s less traditional classes myself, or, at least I wouldn’t if they’d do a better job balancing the damned things. Some of the classes are a lot more powerful than others, while some are much weaker than they should be. Don’t fret though, because just about all of them are broken in one way or another. For instance, back when I was playing heavily literally every class had feats (think “talents” WoW players!) that either didn’t work as described or simply didn’t work at all.
  • Speaking of broken stuff while gear having intentionally little overall effect is fine by me, when some of the stats and skill increases on these items simply don’t work at all you’ve got to take note. Oh, and skills were pretty humorous (and may still be) with players trying to guess which ones were worth putting points into or not because of what tiny effects most of them had, if any.
  • My biggest point of contention was no doubt the lack of good, consistent leveling content. I don’t know if the level progression simply wasn’t tested well enough, several zones ended up on the cutting room floor, the developers think grinding mobs is a lot of fun, or all of the above, but there simply isn’t enough single player content in the game to level smoothly with. After leaving the tutorial area Tortage you are whisked away to your race’s starting city and adjacent zone. There is plenty to do in most of these areas – quests of all kinds, lots of monsters to see, dungeons to run, in short they’re fairly well done. Soon though, you find yourself done with these zones and nowhere near high enough level to go to the next tier. Instead you have to either grind endlessly or go to other race’s starting zones and do all their now low level quests for more experience. This really weakens the appeal of rolling alts of other races by the way. This is just the start, however, as the last third or so of the game is even more devoid of quests yet unlike the lower levels there are no alternative zones to rely on at that point. I know not everyone feels this way but I pretty much despise pure grinding – nothing gets me bored quicker in an MMO!
  • Finally Funcom has been patching the hell out of the game but at a slower pace than I’d like, with little new content being added since launch. That, and some of the changes and fixes they’ve implemented have been a little heavy handed if not plain illogical. This seems like a good place to also mention the developers communication, like with most MMOs, is pretty unsatisfactory. There are few Funcom employees on the official forums making statements and when they do they’re usually not at all well-informed, patch notes leave out tons of changes, etc. Sadly enough, you know that drill by now if you’re an MMO player.

As for my story, I was enjoying myself pretty well until I got to a place right in the middle of the leveling treadmill, in which I could see the hardcore grind just over the next few levels and with Funcom’s announcement that there would be more leveling content and fixes added in July, decided to take a break until this new content had been delivered. Of course, we’re into early August now and I’m still waiting on some form of significant content patch. Typical and frustrating

In the meantime my guild also imploded – I could see that one coming from a mile away though. The guild was run by three brothers and their, I believe, uncle. The uncle pretty much ran things at first and was a nice, cool guy, if not a little bit naive in the ways of MMOs and guild leadership specifically. The 3 brothers on the other hand weren’t extremely vocal until one of them came out of the woodwork and basically took over. While this dude could be somewhat more abrassive the real shocker was when he took advantage of Funcom’s “hey, it’s an M rated game, we don’t need to moderate!” approach to running their forums and trolled like there was no tomorrow, absolutely stomping what little good reputation our quickly growing guild had in the mud, and gaining us all kinds of enemies in the process. Just what you need when you’re playing on a open PVP server in a game in which “rez killing” has been quickly perfected to an art form. Eventually people started to leave in droves for various reasons, mostly because of the state of the game, though some of our more influential members eventually left because of the aforementioned guild leadership problems. Eventually the forum trolling guild leader in question left the game and those who had flocked to him specifically were soon on their way out as well. In my absence the forums fell entirely silent and I was eventually kicked from the guild. Just today I found out that they merged with another guild and apparently just didn’t bother to tell anyone… *sigh*

I don’t know how long I can really justify keeping my subscription up or the game installed in order to wait for this fabled new content that we were promised. I haven’t played in over a month and while I’ve opened the client on occasion to keep it patched up I simply haven’t felt the urge to actually play… and that is a big problem. Still, I do have somewhat of an attachment to the game and don’t really want to let it go so soon. For all of the complaints I have there are plenty of things I do like about the game – the graphics, game world and lore, the more realistic design of the armor and weapons, the funky classes, the fast leveling, and the unique combat, for instance. If I do decide keep playing I’m not sure what I’ll do. I’d really like to reach level cap and I’d guess I could do it without too much effort but, if I do, I’d prefer to experience whatever new content they add rather than having to grind levels on killing mobs. If I do go back do I want to worry about dealing with all of the PVP madness without a guild having my back, or the trouble of finding a new guild, or should I just reroll on a PVE server and play solo until I’ve gotten my fill? Decisions, decisions.

Anyway, shifting gears, what inspired all of this Age of Conan talk was another MMO entirely. I had just completed watching the entire, extended edition of the Lord of The Rings movie trilogy and thought about how much I’d enjoy going back to try Lord of The Rings Online after not playing it since beta. I enjoyed it at the time and it certainly has gotten quite a lot of content patched in since then, including player housing and some other nifty things. It was fresh on my mind anyway because of the relatively recent announcement of its first expansion, The Mines of Moria, and a rather fetching new collectors edition which includes the original game as well. So, with this new boxed version in mind, I’ve decided I’d wait until it is released sometime later this year to go romping through Middle Earth again.

This whole LoTRO thing had me thinking about other MMOs I’ve yet to try and I soon remembered Tabula Rasa. TR has been a pretty big bomb from what I gather but a lot of people really like it and even many who do not have been impressed by its innovations in the genre. It is still alive and has apparently gotten quite a bit better since its initial release not even a year ago. I had been interested in it since it was first announced that Lord British was back on the scene and no one even had half a clue what TR would be but the first time I got really interested in it was only recently when the collectors edition of the game inexplicitly went on sale at Amazon for less than the price of the normal version, practically nothing, and tons of fence sitters started giving it a try. I had almost nabbed a copy myself but held off figuring the deal would stick around a while. Alas, I was wrong. Curious about its availability, I couldn’t find a cheap copy of the collector’s edition box anywhere until I hit eBay and found one exceptionally low priced and credible looking auction and couldn’t resist. So, it looks like Tabula Rasa is next in line for me!

Quick E3 rant

While I’m on the subject of E3 please allow me to rant just a little:

Am I the only one that is sick of hearing all of this whiney bullshit from various journalists and other “industry insiders” about the current state of E3?

E3 grew and grew for a long time until the whole thing seemed like one giant, debauched party where games practically took a back seat to booth babes, concerts, swag, celebrities, and cocktail parties. It seemed like it got particularly bad when the big web 2.0 explosion hit and every other gamer with a PC had their own shitty gaming blog (errr… 🙂 ) or podcast and started attending in droves.

At some point I saw a noticeable shift in the bulk of the content of the E3 coverage as well. Personally, I’d rather hear about upcoming games, accessories, and other gaming industry related news and announcements than about what developers you got drunk with or what celebrity was hanging around whose booth. I’d also usually rather look at screenshots of new games and pictures of new hardware than massive albums of dorky looking guys posing with “booth babes” and other silly shit.

Maybe I wasn’t the only one who thought it was getting out of hand as the whole event was restructured for 2007. As a result starting as early as just after rumblings of this first started making the rounds in 2006 I’ve had to endure lame article after lame article of people whining and bitching about how E3 wouldn’t be as good or exciting anymore, often even admitting outright that they were going to miss all of the parties and free swag the most.

The topic of whether E3 “will survive” and “is worth it any longer” is one that still comes up quite a lot on gaming blogs and news sites of practically every size these days. I guess it is hardly surprising since these journalists are some of the ones losing out the most by the E3 restructuring and these sites are often their mouthpieces after all. Still I have to wonder if everyone feels this way. Does Joe Blow Xbox really give a damn about all of the fanfare he doesn’t get to partake in anyway going away? Was he enjoying the festivities himself, living vicariously through these bloggers and journalists, and now he’s depressed because the party’s over? Somehow I doubt it.

Personally I think all of these people bitching and moaning about E3 need to step back and reevaluate what E3 is actually supposed to be. Is it supposed to be a big, fun paid party/vacation for industry insiders or is it supposed to be an industry tradeshow? Maybe I’m the one who has it mixed up? Hell, maybe I’m the only one who sees the difference?

As for whether or not it is still exciting I personally still find it plenty exciting when a new game is announced, some new hardware is revealed, or we’re finally shown gameplay footage from a much anticipated upcoming game for the first time just as I always have since the days when you pretty much only heard about E3 in print gaming magazines.

E3 2008 stuff

There hasn’t been anything too exciting going on with me lately. I’ve mostly been playing Grand Theft Auto IV on 360 with the little bit of spare gaming time I’ve had lately. That, and a retro PC game I’m planning on reviewing very soon. I’ve also been playing a little bit of Armed Assault single player on PC and the occasional romp through my Rock Band drum tour.

Speaking of 360 games my library got a tiny bit more respectable this week. A friend saw a copy of Beautiful Katamari and nabbed it from Toys R’ Us for 8 bucks or so. I went back there with her to check on what else they had and the gaming section clerk practically forced me to purchase a copy of Prey for 4 bucks. I’d heard mostly good things and I figured for 4 bucks why not? He also offered me a cheap copy of Condemned from his private stash but I (foolishly?) resisted temptation. Monday afternoon I ran over to Gamestop to take advantage of the 20% off 3 used gamed or accessories coupon that I had been waiting on and ended up picking up Battlestations: Midway, Dead Rising, and Lost Planet. Oddly enough only Battlestations: Midway was actually on my “games to buy cheap sometime” list but Dead Rising I’ve heard almost nothing but praise about and I had thought Lost Planet looked slick since well before its release. It’ll probably be quite a while before I play any of the above though as it seems that GTA4 will continue kicking my ass for quite a while to come but at least I’ll have them for a rainy day. Now I just need to resist the urge to go back out and buy some more of the older games on my wishlist…

Since last time I posted we’ve had E3 so I figured I’d briefly run over which of the games shown more or less at or around the time of the show that I’m interested in. I’m sure I’ll forget quite a few!

First, the Microsoft stuff impressed me the most. This shouldn’t be any big surprise since I’m generally not a Sony fan and most non-rabid fanboy types from all circles agree that MS had the best showing. The Netflix integration, if its as good as it sounds, should be amazing. As it is now I use a lot of Comcast’s “On Demand” service and would probably use Xbox Live’s rental service more as well if it weren’t for the very similar content selection. I’m assuming that Netflix would give me a much wider selection along with hopefully much more economical flat monthly fee based pricing. Sign me up! The new player avatars (dubbed “MiiToos” by some forum comedians) seem interesting. I’ll hold off final judgment until they’re in our hands. I’m not sure what to think about the new layout but unlike some 360 fans I don’t hate it and since I do think the dashboard interface needs an overhaul I’m willing to give it a whirl. The new parties addition sounds great. Lets just hope it works as good as it sounds.

I can’t not mention Nintendo. The Wii MotionPlus thing, a controller add-on that is supposed to give the Wiimote more precise, 1:1 detail motion detection seems like a pretty big deal to me. The sometimes amazing inaccurate and just plain weird motion controls in virtually all Wii games is one of my biggest complaints about the system and I’d love to see more games make use of 1:1 controls especially given that I, like a lot of people, was under the impression that was what the Wii was going to give us in the first place. New Wii sports game? Bought!

Ok, ok… Some games in no particular order. I’ll try to keep it brief:

  • Spore still looks awesome. The creature creator was a lot of fun. I’ll definitely be purchasing it.
  • Rockband 2 looks great. I’ve gotten a ton of enjoyment out of the first one and still do for that matter. The fact that it’ll be compatible with Rock Band’s DLC and even many of the songs on the disk is a big selling point for me and an amazingly smart move on their behalf. Now I just need to decide if I should drop the 300 bucks for the super badass drum kit. 🙂
  • Gears of war 2 is definitely on my list. I played the first one well after the hype had worn off and it actually surpassed my expectations on every level.
  • Fable 2 is almost certainly a purchase for me. Most of the criticisms of the first game were accurate but ultimately my biggest one was that I had a great time playing it and wanted more.
  • Mirror’s Edge looks very interesting. I’ve got my eye on it.
  • Alpha Protocol looks killer. I generally love espionage games as well as RPG+FPSish hybrids.
  • SOE’s Free Realms looks pretty nifty despite its kiddy focus. I’ve always been drawn towards more social MMOs such as Ultima Online, Eve Online, and early Star Wars Galaxies. I really don’t understand why there aren’t more companies going that direction. I guess it is simply easier to bank on people being addicted to vicious level grinds than having a second life.
  • Left 4 Dead has a lot of potential. Valve + Zombies… OK!
  • Little Big Planet still looks amazing.
  • A new Wolfenstein game? Ok… In my humble opinion Nazis + undead, sci-fi, alternate history stuff always has a chance of being great… period.
  • A new KOTOR MMO eh? I like Star Wars and I enjoyed KOTOR so I’ll definitely be watching this.
  • Deadspace. Sci-fi survival horror. Jury is still out for me but if it incorporates enough interesting gameplay elements I could definitely see myself purchasing it.
  • There’s also apparently a new Halo game of some sort in the works, rumor has it that it may even be an MMO. If it’s an MMOFPS then I’m sold. I loved Planetside and I love other FPSes that try to incorporate massive and persistent qualities such as the Battlefield series. Sign me up!
  • Speaking of the MMOFPS genre one of Sony’s big show offs was MAG – a “massive” tactical FPS (or 3PS?) game. I have to admit this kind of shit is right up my alley. I hope it ends up coming to PC… I’d hate to have to break down and buy a Blu-ray player. 😛
  • Halo Wars looks cool. I dig the Halo series and am definitely drawn to the idea of a Halo RTS.
  • Castle Crashers… Where are you?
  • Fallout 3 looks great. I loved the first two games and I loved Bethesda’s Elder Scrolls series of games so this seems like a no brainer to me. I’m sure a lot of Fallout fans are still crying about it but not I.
  • Mercenaries 2 needs more press. The first game was one of my favorite console games from the last generation and was seriously underrated in my opinion. Mercenaries 2 looks to be more of the same GTA3-in-a-warzone type goodness.
  • Megaman 9! This shit looks tight! I’m not a huge fan of platformers but when I’m in the mood, along side the Castlevania series, the Megaman series is one of my absolute favorites.
  • Puzzle Quest: Galactrix – hey, how cool is this?
  • I don’t know much about Battlestations: Pacific but the first game (Battlestations: Midway) looked and sounded great, in fact I just bought a copy as I mentioned above, so I’m definitely paying attention to its sequel.
  • The Brothers in Arms game looks interesting. I’m a large fan of the Full Spectrum Warrior series and the first two Brothers in Arms games were essentially FSW and a WWII FPS mashed together. I only played the first one but I enjoyed it enough for this to catch my attention.
  • Dawn of War 2. Not much to say about it except Dawn of War is probably one of my favorite FPS games of all time and 2 looks to be more of the same.
  • Operation Flashpoint 2 has finally recently come out of hiding and looks amazing. I need to see more but I can’t imagine not buying this.
  • I haven’t play Saints Row yet but it looks and sounds like a competent GTA3 clone, enough to make my “someday” wishlist even, so naturally I’m watching Saints Row 2.
  • Tomb Raider: Underworld looks decent.
  • The Witcher: Enhanced Edition will probably end up in my collection sooner or later. I’ve yet to play The Witcher but it looks good and I figure this re-release is the perfect opportunity to finally nab it.
  • Finally, Borderlands looks amazingly interesting. I remember hearing about this game before but somehow it fell completely off my radar until I watched some of the newly released gameplay footage. Another FPS with RPG elements… And like Fallout 3 it seems to be set in somewhat of a dark, gritty future as well. I’m very interested in this one!

All in all plenty to look forward to. I’d almost say “too much” if I didn’t know that half of the games that look interesting now will probably either suck or at least be too mediocre to worry about come launch time.