Tag Archives: Elder Scrolls

The Tale of Garn Chapter 40

Warning: potential side quest (Mages Guild) spoilers ahead!

From Garn’s recollections:

The Shade of the Worm

After riding back to the Arcane University I met with Raminus once again to update him on my progress at Vahtacen. While he seemed genuinely grateful for my excellent work at the site I sensed that he had something more pressing on his mind. When I told him that I was ready to receive my next assignment he leapt at the opportunity to fill me in on the details. The next step in investigating the seemingly growing epidemic of rogue necromancy throughout Cyrodiil was to learn more about the nature of Black Soul Gems, like the ones I found in Falcar’s belongings in Cheydinhal. He directed me to find out what Tar-Meena at the University’s archives knew about them.

Master-Wizard Tar-Meena was the guild’s leading expert in magicka arcana and it seemed like her expertise had been in high demand at the time. When I approached her in the Mystic Archives she was in the middle of conducting some sort of research, books and scrolls strewn about all around her and oblivious to my arrival. When I attempted to interrupt her she started ranting at length about all of the pressure the Council of Mages had been putting on her. After letting her finish I told her that I’d been specifically ordered to find out more about Black Soul Gems. This seemed to calm her a bit, as apparently that specific subject was one that she hadn’t already been relentlessly hounded over. She pointed me to a tome called “Necromancer’s Moon” which she said was one of the few places she’d ever found any details about the objects recorded. Interestingly enough she also mentioned that Falcar had borrowed it previously. After spending quite awhile sifting through old spell books and volumes of obscure alchemical reagents I eventually discovered the book sitting on a small table by itself.

Seriously, right?!
“Seriously, right?!”

The book contained a number of important details. First, it seemed to be a call to an order of necromancers called the Order of the Black Worm. Signs had been pointing to the increase in necromancer related activity having been organized but now it was confirmed without a doubt. It also mentioned what sounded like some kind of a magical or perhaps celestial event that signaled an opportunity to create the Black Soul Gems. It could have just been colorful writing but regardless I immediately took this information back to Raminus. Raminus found the allusions to the “heavenly light descending from above” to be as fascinating as I did and directed me to Bothiel, the university’s astronomy specialist, to try to learn more.

Bothiel didn’t know much about this “Shade of the Revenant” event but did recall another mage, none other than Falcar, asking her about it in the recent past. Bothiel also recalled Falcar having a stack of scrolls and papers with him, one of which he had accidentally dropped. The paper contained hastily scrawled notes relating to the names of four locations. Raminus recognized the name of one of them, Dark Fissure, as being a cave in the Valus Mountains, not far from the Vahtacen site near Cheydinhal. Although we didn’t know precisely when this “Shade of the Revenant” event would take place we formulated a plan to stake out Dark Fissure Cave for suspicious happenings.

Looking back towards the Imperial City from the Dark Fissure altar.
“Looking back towards the Imperial City from the Dark Fissure altar.”

Arriving in the afternoon, I sat high up, wedged between two large boulders for hours until well after sunset. While I had fully expected to spend days, perhaps even weeks camped out near entrance of the cave, to my surprise that very first night I witnessed the Shade of the Revenant as well as a necromancer performing some variety of incantation there. It was unmistakeable – a sinister purple glow enveloped the altar as the necromancer strained against the magical forces pushing out against him. Just then something startled my horse, which I hadn’t yet had opportunity to tie up further away, causing the conjurer to stop to investigate. He summoned a zombie and began approaching, scouring the area for intruders. Having seen what I had come to see, I leapt down from my perch and pummeled the necromancer square in the head. A scuffle ensued but, having the initiative, I slew him relatively easily. After inspecting the altar curiosity got the best of me and I decided to take a look at the cave itself.

Necromancy afoot!
“Necromancy afoot!”

The Dark Fissure cave was large and definitely occupied. Every large chamber contained the camp of another necromancer or two, and they left little doubt that they all belonged to this same order I had found reference to earlier. After having cleared the cave, which was no small task, I returned to Raminus who was disturbed to learn that the ritual described in “Necromancer’s Moon” was in fact a reality, and that this order appeared to be quite active to boot. He bestowed me with the rank of “Magician” and told me that I should go directly to Arch-Mage Traven for my next task.

Not incredibly subtle, guys.
“Not incredibly subtle, guys.”

Arch-Mage Traven seemed pleased enough to make my acquaintance but began getting down to business very quickly, and when it revolved around necromancy he seemed to take business very seriously. He explained to me that the Council had been quietly monitoring the increased necromancer activity in Cyrodiil for quite some time, most notably by use of a guild member, Mucianus Allias, who had infiltrated their ranks. Between having not heard from him in some time and the recent escalation in necromancer activity, Traven wanted to pull the informant out. The Council had other plans, as they were suspicious of Mucianus and suspected the lack of contact was due to something more couched in treachery. A group of Battlemages were dispatched to Mucianus’s last know location with the intent on bringing him in for questioning. The Arch-Mage wanted me to intercept them to make sure Mucianus was returned safely. He handed me a hastily sketched map to the ruins of Nenyond Twyll, south of the White Rose River, just below the city, and bid me fast travels.

Clearing out Nenyond Twyll.
“Clearing out Nenyond Twyll.”

Not fast enough! It seemed that I had arrived at the ruins only moments too late. The Battlemages’ horses were already tied up outside and when I entered the still intact lower passages I was confronted by a jumpy a Bosmer Battlemage who introduced himself as Fithragaer. Fithragaer told me that the group had been ambushed and that we had no time to waste in helping them. We raised our weapons and rushed forward into the next chamber. In his haste and perhaps inexperience, the Bosmer ran straight into an Ayleid spike trap and was instantly impaled. As I waited for the trap to reset and clear the way I assessed the situation a little more carefully – I heard no sounds of combat around me but there definitely had been fighting here. I was indeed too late. Regardless, I still had to find Mucianus.

Sounds grea... hey, wait a minute!
“Sounds grea… hey, wait a minute!”

As I ventured further into the darkness of the ruins of Nenyond Twyll I met my first group of necromancer attackers. Nothing outstanding about them at this point, but I was careful to give each one an opportunity to reveal their identity before attacking them. One of the necromancers I met revealed that she knew why we were there and told me that Mucianus had been turned into a “Worm Thrall” for betraying her master. I had no patience for vain speeches or vague threats and decapitated her where she had stood, her minions crumbling around her as she fell. I searched the ruins for quite a while afterwards, always expecting to find the informant waiting for me in some dark corner, but alas I had cleared the entire ruin without a sign of him.

Mucianus Allias, slightly under the weather.
“Mucianus Allias, slightly under the weather.”

Finally, as I was backtracking towards the exit I investigated a faint scratching from behind a stone wall to discover hidden pressure plate that revealed a secret room. Mucianus Allias was locked inside, or at least his zombiefied remnants were. I set the twisted automaton ablaze with a quick flame spell, resealed the room, and continued back to Traven with the ill tidings.

The Dark Fissure was actually a fairly interesting fight, as it was one of the locations heavily modified by Oscuro’s Oblivion Overhaul to included special NPCs and some tough, leveled enemies. It feels a little odd to be suddenly challenged after tearing through most of my fights with ease.

The Tale of Garn Chapter 39

Warning: potential side quest (Mages Guild) spoilers ahead!

From the journals of Garn:


Having acquired all of my recommendations I’ve made my way back to the Arcane University in the Imperial City to speak with Raminus Polus. After officially welcoming me into the guild he’s set me on the task of crafting my own Mage’s Staff – a custom that every newly accepted member of the guild partakes in. I’m somewhat familiar with these Mage’s Staffs – not only have I seen many of the mages across Cyrodiil carrying them but I had to recover one for Ardaline in Bravil as part of receiving my recommendation from the Bravil guildhall. The first step of the process will be to venture to Wellspring Cave for assistance in selecting the wood I’ll be using from a nearby sacred grove.

Not the greeting I was expecting!
“Not the greeting I was expecting!”

I’ve made it to the grove and retrieved the wood with which I’ll craft my stave, however, all did not go as planned. When I first entered the cave I wasn’t greeted by the mages who steward the grove, rather only darkness and an eerie silence. As I crept further in I soon discovered the body of a mage illuminated by the flickering light of fallen torch. Lying next to the mage another body – one that I suspected by her garb to be that of a necromancer. I continued through the cave and found it to be in quite a ravaged state, as if the intruders were searching for something. Intruders there were too – I encountered and fought several more necromancers until finally reaching the exit to the grove. As I cautiously slid the door open I saw another mage fending off three more attackers. He looked wounded and was obviously outnumbered so I immediately sprang forth and entered the melee. While I slew them all I was unfortunately too slow save the mage.


Raminus seems deeply troubled by my recount of these events despite appearing to be attempting to hide it. He doesn’t discuss the situation with me further and dispatches me to meet with Delmar in the Chironasium to continue the construction of my staff. I know little of necromancers outside of my own knowledge of conjuration and my limited run-ins with them in my travels thus far – well, that, and that necromancy is outlawed by the Guild. I suppose the matter will be discussed and dealt with by higher ranked guild members. Delmar and I decide on how to fashion and enchant the staff. I admit, the process is fascinating and learning more of these sorts of arts seems like it might make my choice to join the Guild a fruitful one. I’m to collect the staff tomorrow.

Delmar has crafted a fine staff for me. I’ve had it enchanted with a fire spell given my affinity for using such magics and it has a look that would suit a battlemage such as myself if I were to ever decide to wield a staff in combat. For now the staff will make a fine keepsake for my mantle. I return to Raminus to present him with it. Raminus’s seems quite pleased with the results and congratulates me on officially being promoted to the rank of journeyman within the guild. It’s at last finally time for my first real assignment.

Raminus tells me that my next task, while seemingly menial, relates to the necromancer attack on Wellspring Cave. He asked me to travel to Skingrad and meet with Count Hassildor to retrieve a book that the Guild had recently loaned to him. While this struck me a little odd it was, after all, the first thing the council was trusting me with, so I’m preparing for my journey south without lodging any sort of complaint.

It was dusk as I walked into the great hall at Castle Skingrad. I was greeted by Mercator Hosidus, the Count’s steward, who informed me that the Count was occupied and I’d need to, instead, make an appointment to see him on the morrow. The next day I visited the castle again only to be given a similar story by Mercator. This time he told me the Count would see me but preferred to meet me in the fields outside of the west wall of the city at 2 in the morning. Odd, but I assume he has his reasons. I’m rather disappointed by this treatment as I made great haste on my ride here hoping to impress the council with the speediness that I completed my task. Raminus had implied that the Count could be unusual, perhaps this type of thing is what he was referring to. Still, I will see him tonight.

Who called this meeting?!
“Who called this meeting?!”

As I ride up to the appointed area near Tamika’s vineyard, my sword unfastened from my scabbard, I look around but do not see a sign of anyone. I keep my guard up, still suspicious about this meeting place and the unorthodox time. Suddenly I hear Mercator’s voice greeting me from the darkness. A torch is brought up and I see two others with him but no one I could make out to be the Count. Mercator tells me that I wouldn’t in fact be meeting the Count, that he didn’t even know I was in the city, and that I would have to be dealt with for potentially interrupting their plans. Necromancers? Before I have any more time to react I’m knocked from my horse by a powerful spell. I attempt to draw my sword as I try to keep track of the men though through the crops and shifting torchlight. The next moment I hear the sounds of a skirmish unfolding. I quickly find my feet and charge Mercator. The traitorous Imperial had death in his eyes but his dark magics were no match for my Daedric steel. As I finish him I turn to find myself alone in the field with a man looking at me disapprovingly, shaking his head.

Why no, why would YOU have anything to do with the undead?!
“Why no, why would YOU have anything to do with the undead?!”

Dressed in fine plate armor and wearing a strong, if also a little gaunt face, the man introduces himself as Janus Hassildor, Count of Skingrad. He tells me that he’s suspected Mercator as being in league with the necromancers for some time now though he wanted him to reveal who else he might be working with before acting upon his suspicions. He also tells in no uncertain terms that he’s disappointed in me for not knowing that I was being duped by the Guild – I wasn’t sent here to retrieve a book at all but rather to spy on him. With that, he asks me to inform info Raminus to that he is certainly not affiliated with the necromancers and that he does not appreciate them sending someone to him under false pretenses. I have little recourse but to agree, dust myself off, and head back to my inn room for the night.

Arriving back at the Arcane University, Raminus apologizes for putting me in the awkward and ultimately dangerous situation but explains that the council doesn’t completely trust the Count despite working closely with him for some time now – his loyalty had to be ascertained and for that my mission is considered a success. I’ve been promoted to the rank of Evoker and given my next task. It’s not that I have any issue with the idea of spying on the Count but they could have let me in on it at least. It makes me question the motives of the council – what exactly did they think they were sending me into?

I hear there's an alchemist in the Market District with a potion for that!
“I hear there’s an alchemist in the Market District with a potion for that!”

Raminus tells me that he has another task in mind for me. Something hopefully a little less stressful and he assures me that no necromancers will be involved this time. I’m to meet with Irlav Jarol about an Ayleid ruin that the Guild is currently excavating. Irlav fills me in on the details – evidently the ruin appears to be completely intact and while they’ve managed to clear out and map most of the top level, they’ve discovered some sort of magical locking mechanism that has kept the rest of the structure sealed off from the team. I’m to speak with Skaleel once I arrive.

I set off to Vahtacen which is located near the banks of the Reed River to the east of the capital. When I come upon the area that Irlav described I see none of the usual trappings of an Elven ruin – in fact, all that’s here is a muddy, unassuming cave. If it weren’t for the torches and the fresh footprints everywhere I might have never guessed the entrance to the ruin was within. As I made my way through the cave I soon found where the main structure had been breached. Torches light the way until I reach a large chamber where several guild members and other laborers have setup. I quickly find Skaleel who explains the situation in only slightly more detail that Irlav. Unlike Irlav, who seemed largely distant from the project, Skaleel appeared to know almost too much about it, her frustration palpable.

Quite the puzzle - you just have to read the instructions. Why did I join this stupid guild again?
“Quite the puzzle – you just have to read the instructions. Why did I join this stupid guild again?”

I venture into the chamber with the magical locking device. Denel, another mage, explains that they’ve recently discovered that casting spells at the strange pillar like structure in the center of the room seems to be having some sort of reaction though, so far, the reaction has only been in the form of smaller stones in each corner of the chamber coming together to violently shock the caster. I examine the room but it looks like nothing I’ve ever seen before. As I’m leaning against a wall I feel a sharp edge catch my hand. What was this? I wipe away the countless years of dust to reveal the unmistakable shapes that make up ancient Ayleid writing. Denel quickly rushes off to fetch Skaleel who returns with a book on translating Ayleid. As we wipe away more and more of this writing we begin translating. While each message is cryptic at best, they all seem to mention different elements: one fire, one frost, and the other two magicka, though one seeming positive and the other negative. We concoct a plan and soon I’m casting the first spell – a firebolt at the strange mechanism. Success! It moves revealing a hint at an inner chamber. Soon, as we cast all four spells, the mechanism completely moves giving us access to a stairway further into the ruins.

I wish I were an Elf so I could turn into one of these fuckers when I die.
“I wish I were an Elf so I could turn into one of these fuckers when I die.”

As I’m the only one equipped for such potentially dangerous exploration I venture down alone. Like most of the Ayleid ruins I’ve been in so far this one is filled with an unappealing mixture of terrible undead and brutal traps. Still, I’m quite experienced at dealing with clearing out such dungeons by now and soon find myself in what seems to be the main hall of the structure. In the center of the room sits large raised platform surrounded by stairs. This looks similar to the throne rooms I’ve seen in other Elven sites only this time the very center is covered with a large carved stone box. Chains connect it to a number of suspended pulleys and hanging counterweights. There has to be a… sure enough, a switch!

Ouch! I don't often get totally owned but when I make sure I get cool pictures of it.
“Ouch! I don’t often get totally owned but when I make sure I get cool pictures of it.”

I flick the switch and the sound of the heavy chains ripping through metal rings is almost deafening as it echos through the hall. The dust that is thrown into the air is all but blinding as well. I take a step back and find my footing unsure – I’m stepping on something soft and fleshy. I spin and draw my sword – a lich! It raises a minion from the dusty floor and points its ancient gnarled staff at me menacingly. Just then I hear the sound of more undead being summoned. How many liches were in this room? No matter! I summon a Daedra warrior and block a weak blow from a skeletal automaton. The battle is fierce – I bash the head off of the first undead then I hack a lich almost clean in half from his shoulder down to his stomach. I turn to send a lightning bolt crackling into another. Soon they all lay in piles of dusty gore.

The throne area, now accessible, contains what may have once been a rich cache of ancient Elven armor – beautifully crafted and richly decorated though most of it seems to have deteriorated long ago. The helmet seem quite intact though so I’m bringing it back to Skaleel as proof of my discovery. Skaleel is elated at the quality of the item and suggests I immediately bring it back to the University. After imparting some information about the newly explored chambers and saying my goodbyes I’ll set off on my way back east to deliver the good news and the guild’s latest Ayleid artifact.

The Tale of Garn Chapter 38

Warning: potential side quest (Mages Guild) spoilers ahead!

From Garn’s recollections:

Highly Recommended

After a relatively uneventful journey back up to Northern Cyrodiil I arrived in the snow covered streets of Bruma and wasted no time warming myself up next to the hearth in the Mages Guild guildhall there. Jeanne Frasoric, the head of the Bruma Mages Guild, had heard that I might be arriving soon and casually told me about the job I was to perform for my recommendation. One of her mages, J’skar, had been missing for a few days and she wanted some assistance locating him. Slightly annoyed, I recall thinking to myself that it seemed like a lot of guild members have issues with losing things and/or themselves. Still, I accepted the task and pledged to find J’skar.

*clears throat* I'm not sure the Mages Guild is going to be worth it.
“*clears throat* I’m not sure the Mages Guild is going to be worth it.”

This task could lead me anywhere. Indeed, even if J’skar had come to an unfortunate fate here within the city walls he could still be buried at the bottom of a snowdrift, totally hidden. Regardless I started where I usually start, by asking other guild members. While most of the mages I talked to seemed genuinely ignorant enough, one of them, Volanaro, confidently told me that he could help me find J’skar if I helped him out first. I was a little taken aback by the gall he displayed but I was intrigued enough to simply follow along with him. Volanaro seemed to be pretty put out with Jeanne, suggesting that she wasn’t at all qualified for her position within the guild. He wanted me to help play a prank on her. He suggested stealing her manual of spellcraft out of her office since she was apparently fairly worthless without it. This seemed harmless enough as long as I could do it without getting noticed so I agreed.

Luckily Jeanne’s office was fairly secluded so it was trivial to wait around for her to become distracted and creep in. Just as Volanaro suggested, I found the book in one of the drawers in her desk. I made my way back downstairs and subtly made the hand off to J’skar who seemed absolutely tickled with himself and the successful completion of his scheme. He told me to meet him in the guildhall basement later that night. After I greeted Volanaro he cast an unfamiliar spell and J’skar appeared before me. Both men started laughing, pleased with themselves. Apparently J’skar’s little disappearing act was also a prank on Jeanne. Fair enough. I thought that the whole rouse was a little on the silly side myself but Jeanne was pleased enough about J’skar turning back up so I held my tongue about the details and accepted my recommendation.

My next stop was southwest to meet Teekeeus at the Mages Guild guildhall in Chorrol. Teekeeus told me that an excommunicated sorceress named Earana had been spotted around town and wanted me to find out what she was up to. She was believed to be staying at The Grey Mare inn near the southern city gate. I headed off in that direction. Surprisingly I practically ran into her as she came sauntering out of the front door of the inn. While at first seeming incredibly annoyed with me over the incident Earana, recognizing my adventurer’s garb, quickly changed her tone and asked me if I was available to take up a job. Why, of course I was!

Mages Guild, Thieves Guild, who cares?
“Mages Guild, Thieves Guild, who cares?”

Earana wanted me to help her find an old tome of magic called “The Fingers of the Mountain” which she believed she had tracked down to the ruins of a temple called “Cloud Top” nestled in the mountains north of the city. I agreed to the task and told her I’d set out immediately though in reality I took a quick detour back to Teekeeus at the Mages Guild to let him know what I had discovered. Teekeeus wanted me to appear to go after the book for Earana but to instead bring it to him once I had retrieved it. While he didn’t elaborate I got the distinct impression that the book was something that he didn’t want falling into her hands. I wondered what Earana could be up to but at that point it had little to do with my task.

Luckily the book wasn't quite so crispy.
“Luckily the book wasn’t quite so crispy.”

Following the vague directions that Earana gave me I slowly rode the hunting trails leading up into the mountains until I located what had to be the temple. Like most of the ruins scattered around Cyrodiil there wasn’t all that much to see: some old stone arches, pillars, and sections of crumbling walls. I paused for just a moment before starting on my task to take in my surroundings. The temple must have held quite a commanding view for whoever inhabited it. I carefully searched the ruins, sifting through the dust covered rubble and prodding the burnt and dried corpses that littered the area. I found what I was quite sure was the tome on one of the lesser charred corpses, still quite intact.

Upon returning to Teekeeus I was thanked and promised my recommendation. Not wanting to be involved in whatever feud was no doubt about to grow a little more interesting between the Earana and Teekeeus, I quickly left Chorrol.

I trust you have good reason for being a total bitch?
“I trust you have good reason for being a total bitch?”

West in Skingrad I was referred to Adrienne Berene for my recommendation. Adrienne seemed quite preoccupied by some research she was performing but despite being a little short with me she was still able to quickly think of a task for me to perform for her. One of the guild members, Erthor, had borrowed some notes that she needed back yet she hadn’t seen him around lately. After asking a few of the other mages at the guildhall I was able to confirm that indeed Erthor hadn’t been around for quite sometime. It apparently wasn’t all that unusual for him to be away for short periods of time though as Adrienne had him banished to a cave outside of the city to practice his dangerous summoning research after an “unfortunate” incident involving several scamps. I was intrigued, I admit.

Another day, another cave...
“Another day, another cave…”

I rode out to Bleak Flats Cave to find Erthor. What I found when I lit my torch and ventured into the cave, however, was a horde of zombies milling about the place. The one closest to me turned and lunged before I had any time to consider my options. I dove into a corner, dodging the zombie. When I rolled back onto my knees I blasted a fireball at the foul thing. Of course by now all of the zombies in the room were now attracted to me also. I stood up, unsheathed my sword and raised my shield. Compared to me these animated corpses were nearly helpless though what they lacked in skill or tactics they nearly made up for in raw aggressiveness. Nearly. After the slaughter I continued to explore the cave.

Time to stop drop and roll...
“Time to stop drop and roll…”

I ran into several more zombies before finally breaking into the room where Erthor had holed up. He was overjoyed to see me and seemed to be in a hurry for an escort back into the city. The ride back was tense. Erthor had little to offer by way of explanation for what had occurred in the cave but I knew more than enough about the arts of conjuration to guess. Upon reaching the guildhall he and Adrienne had a brief conversation which sent him away with his tail tucked between his legs. Adrienne coldly informed me that Erthor seemed okay and that my recommendation would be sent in as soon as she had the opportunity.

Thank the gods, finally some action from this boring guild.
“Thank the gods, finally some action from this boring guild.”

I continued west to Anvil, the last guildhall I’d need a recommendation from. Not only was this to be my last stop but it was also finally an interesting task. I was beginning to think that the Mages Guild wouldn’t have much to offer me after all. Carahil, the head of that particular guildhall, informed me that there had been a large number of killings along the Gold Road outside of the city and that signs pointed to it being the work of a rogue mage. Carahil already had something in mind about how to find and take care of the assailants but it would require the work of an unknown person. A new Mages Guild Associate like me was the perfect candidate. I was to meet an undercover Breton Battlemage named Arielle at the Brina Cross Inn just outside of the city that very evening.

After a short ride I tied up my horse and started to walk into the inn when a woman stopped me and whispered to me to get a room for the night. This had to be Arielle so with little more than a head nod to acknowledge her I continued inside and took a seat at the bar. I bought an ale and a room for the night and hung out casually taking in my surroundings for a bit. Some of the other patrons made small talk with me though nothing unusual outside of me telling a couple people that I was a traveling merchant instead of my usual vague responses about adventuring. After finishing my drink I bid those in the taproom a good night and headed upstairs to my room. Not long after I laid down Arielle slipped into my room and finally identified herself. She told me of the simple plan they had hatched. I was to sleep tonight and then set off at sunrise back east towards Kvatch. They would shadow me and quickly reveal themselves if I were approached.

Come at me, lady!
“Come at me, lady!”

The next morning I set off on foot. It was only a matter of time before an Altmer woman approached me from the opposite direction and, without warning, unleashed a powerful blast of lightning from her fingertips. My reflexes were instant and I dodged out of the way of the bulk of the blast and drew out my blade. A normal highwayman might now be concerned about the fact that I was drawing a weapon, never mind the type of weapon I was revealing, but this rogue mage seemed unconcerned as she sent another bolt of crackling electricity towards me. It was just about this time that I realized I recognized the women. It was one of the patrons in the taproom from last night! Arielle must have had her suspicions, that obviously explains this ruse. Speaking of Arielle, it wasn’t long before her and another Battlemage came running up the road, weapons drawn. My attacker, now both outclassed and outnumbered, quickly fell due to our combined attacks.

While I found it unusual that a mage would expend so much energy on petty robbery and murder Carahil was quite pleased with my work and told me that my Anvil recommendation was sealed. I was done! Now it was only a matter of venturing back to the Arcane University for my promotion and my first assignment.